Sacred Life
Therapies for Mind, Body & Spirit
What's On - Events & Workshops
Sacred Life endeavours to provide a variety of events, Workshops and Classes for every interest whether it be Mind, Body, Spirit.
September 2024
Wed 4th Sept
7pm - 8pm
Soundbath with Kate Parr in 92B.
Come along and unwind from the day and reconnect and ground yourself, with the soothing sounds of the shamanic drum and crystals healing bowls. Mats are provided, however please bring along a blanket and pillow(s) for your comfort. Please book direct with Kate on 07950837148. £15 to be paid up front to reserve your place, as spaces are limited.
Every Saturday
10am - 4.30pm
Vibroacoustic Therapy with Padraig Murphy in 92B
This is a non-invasive way of reducing pain and anxiety, and improving quality of life. It is based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequencies, which are felt as a vibration in the human body. Therefore, in simple terms it is a deep tissue low-frequency massage using audio waves.
Please book direct and contact me on 07930 911057 or email: padraigjm@icloud.com
Every Thursday Morning
£10 per hour or £9 block book x 4
Yoga with Dawn perkins
For improved strength, flexibility, balance and wellbeing.
Beginners and intermediates very welcome. Spaces are limited so please contact me on
07307 825391 or email: dawn.perkins@hotmail.com
Sat 21st Sept
£40 per person
Aura Photography with Jacqui worrall
If you have ever wondered what colours or shape your Aura is, then this is for you. A wonderful experience where, with special designed equipment and software you can physically see the colour of your aura. Jacqui then reads the Aura, explaining how and what is affecting it and you get a detailed print out to keep with a full reading. Not to be missed!
Please contact Jeanette @ Sacred life to book please. 07789 062136 or sacredlife@hotmail.com